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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

happy endings

Yeah, I am finally on my blog writing something. It has been long, really long, since I felt like writing something and not saying it. Saying does not help always.

This is a story about us sweet heart and despite telling myself I am not going to write any more sad blogs, I am here; I love you so much babie, I really do! I am so gonna miss you my dear.  

Oh, I need to hear your voice. 

Yes, that is my babie right there, standing right there with his arms open for  me. That is one of the coziest place on the whole wide world and I could lay on for hours and still not get enough of it. I always dreaded giving that place to some body else sweet heart. 

I cannot tell how much it hurts to see the house empty. I stand out in the cold waiting for my babie to open the door, open his arms and pull me in and let me hug. 

The laughter has fade, image blurred but memories are here to stay. 

You will walk away from me someday, I hand you the keys to our home, the place where we lived and have so much to take away. 

I pray for your success, happiness and love. Does not matter, you have to go. 
I will be here thinking every night,  how it would feel to be wrapped around your arms and hearing your heart beat and at the corner of your lips, I will lay a kiss and say, 

" I love you and you would simply say, " GORU". 


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